The Theodoro Trail is a 20 minutes drive from the lodge and starts at 1100 metres altitude. The trail gradually descends along the track of an old disused railway. This turned out to be a very wet trail with a stream having overflowed along the trail. We spent a long morning and part of another day here. The first session here was rather slow and we missed several species (Slaty Bristlefront, Sharpbill, etc) therefore the need for a second visit.
The path was several centimetres of flowing water! |
Stick Insect |
Scaled Woodcreeper - One of two sightings of this endemic species. |
Black-cheeked Gnateater - Another chance to see this very skulking species. |
Spot-breasted Antvireo - A rare species found in SE Brazil. |
Drab-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant - This bird certainly lived up to it's name!
Only found in the very S of Brazil and adjacent countries.
Butterfly Sp |
Butterfly Sp |
Insect Sp |
Cane Toad - A large Toad. The only one seen. |
????? |
Heliconia Sp |