Cedae Trail

The Cedae Trail was a fairly short distance from the lodge on the road to Rio.  The trail is used to get access to a dam lower down the valley, although clearly not regularly used.  The trail descends gradually into the valley with thick rainforest on either side.  Most birds were well hidden and photography was difficult.  Butterflies, some very large were frequent but a Coral Snake provided the most excitement! We returned to the vehicle early afternoon for a second visit to the Theodoro Trail.

Cedae Trail - A pleasant walk through tall rain forest.

One of the many impressive trees along the trail

Blue Manakin - A very smart but not uncommon species and was seen at several sites.

Mantled Hawk - A scarce species normally seen flying over.  We were fortunate that this individual decided to land in trees close to the start of the trail.

Olivacious Woodcreeper - One of the more common Woodcreepers

Rufous-capped Antthrush - Tricky to see!  

Black-cheeked Gnateater - Another bird that was tricky to see well.  An endemic species only found on a narrow band along the SE coast of Brazil.

Streaked Xenops - A widespresd species in S America.
Black-tailed Tityra - Found throughout most of Brazil.

Unidentified Spider species - Rather large and impressive.

Southern Mock Coral Snake - If we identified this correctly, this is a non-poisonous species!  The venomous species look very similar!! It was initially in fairly short grass but almost invisible and could easily have been trodden on.

Unidentified Beetle - A large a distinctive beetle.

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