Itororo Lodge

The Lodge and grounds offer a wide variety of birding with different trails holding different special birds. We did not get time to explore all of the trails and we did not connect with all of the "special" birds but we did see and hear a wide range of species.  Clearly the immediate areas around the lodge accommodation was fairly easy birding with many species coming to visit the feeding station, plus the habitat was more open. Some of the trails were through dense rain forest making birding and photography rather more challenging.
The first set of photos were taken in the immediate vicinity of the Lodge.  Feeders to attract hummingbirds and fruit eating birds were very effective in attracting a wide variety of species.

Rufous-bellied Thrush  - An endemic species
Burnished-buff Tanager - Found in the SE half of Brazil and adjacent countries

Sayaca Tanagers - Seen daily at the lodge.  This species has a similar range to Burnished Buff Tanager
Azure-shouldered Tanager - Another regular species at the feeders.  An endemic species.

Dusky-legged Guan - Rather shy but also visited the feeding station early morning.

Bananaquit - A widespread species in South America.
Maroon-bellied Parakeet - Another shy visitor to the feeding stations.
Brazilian Ruby - An endemic species only seen at the lodge.

Black Jacobin - Fairly regular at the feeders

Black Jacobin - Only found in the SE area of Brazil and adjacent countries.

Amethyst Woodstar - A widespresd species in Brazil

Violet-crowned Woodnympth - Restricted to the S and E parts of Brazil and adjacent countries
White-throated Hummingbird  - A regular at the lodge feeders.  Restricted to S Brazil and adjacent countries.

On the Trails
There are extensive trails in the lodge grounds and we did not have time to explore them all.  Some of the species found are shown below.

Blue Manakin  - Not uncommon.

Greenish Schiffornis - Only seen on one occasion.  Restricted to the southern part of Brazil and adjacent countries.
Surucua Trogon

Dusky-tailed Antbird - Only found in the very S of Brazil and adjacent countries

Scaled Woodcreeper -  An endemic species found only in an area of forest along the Atlantic coast.

White-throated Woodcreeper - Found in the S half of Brazil and adjacent countries.
Thick-billed Saltator - Restricted to the very south of Brazil and adjacent countries.
See short video below

Horned Toad

Butterfly Sp
Ant Sp