Species List

This is the list of species seen and heard between 25th January and 3rd February 2016.
The total number of bird species seen was 300.
In addition there were 21 bird species that were heard only.

ARF - Atlantic Rain Forest Endemic
BR    - Brazilian Endemic
H       - Heard only
C       - Common
Y       - Seen

Sites Visited
Itororo Lodge and Trails     25th-31st Jan
Pico de Caledonia             26th Jan
Maco de Cima Trail           28th Jan
Theodoro Trail                   29th and 30th Jan
Cedre Trail                        30th Jan
Open Country Birding        31st Jan
REGUA                            1st-3rd Feb

Common Name  Scientific name Endemic 25/1 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1 30/1 31/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 Days Seen
1 Solitary Tinamou Tinamus solitarius ARF
2 Brown Tinamou Crypturellus obsoletus H H H 1 H H 6
3 Tataupa Tinamou Crypturellus tataupa
4 Dusky-legged Guan Penelope obscura H 5 3 3
5 Spot-winged Wood-Quail Odontophorus capueira ARF H H H 3
6 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis 2 2 2
7 Brazilian Teal Amazonetta brasiliensis 2 1
8 Pinnated Bittern Botaurus pinnatus 1 1
9 Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 3 1
10 Striated Heron Butorides striata 1 3 2
11 Snowy Egret Egretta thula 1 10 2
12 Great Egret Ardea alba c 1 50 3
13 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis c 5 50 Y Y 5
14 Reddish Egret 1 1
15 Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi 1 1
16 Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens 1000 100 2
17 Neotropic Cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus 50 1
18 Anhinga Anhinga anhinga 1 1 2
19 Black Vulture Coragyps atratus c c 10 12 Y Y Y Y Y 9
20 Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura 1000 c 1 1 Y Y Y 7
21 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes burrovianus 2 2 2
22 Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis 1 1
23 Rufous-thighed Kite Harpagus diodon 1 1 2
24 Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 1 1 2
25 Mantled Hawk Pseudastur polionotus ARF 1 1
26 White-rumped Hawk Parabuteo leucorrhous 1 1
27 Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus 1 1
28 White-tailed Hawk Geranoaetus albicaudatus 1 2 2
29 Zone-tailed Hawk Buteo albonotatus 1 1
30 Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris 2 1
31 Savanna Hawk Heterospizias meridionalis 1 3 4 3 4
32 Black Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus 1 1 2
33 Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus melanoleucus 2 1
34 Aplomado Falcon Falco femoralis 1 1
35 Laughing Falcon Herpetotheres cachinnans H 1
36 Barred Forest-Falcon Micrastur ruficollis 1 1
37 Southern Caracara Caracara plancus 1 3 3 2 4
38 Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima 1 1 10 20 10 5
39 Red-legged Seriema Cariama cristata 3 1
40 Rufous-sided Crake Laterallus melanophaius 2 H 2
41 Ash-throated Crake Porzana albicollis 1 1
42 Blackish Rail Pardirallus nigricans 1 1
43 Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail Aramides saracura ARF 1 3 2
44 Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata 10 20 2
45 Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica 2 1
46 Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis 2 5 2 6 2 8 1 7
47 Wattled Jacana Jacana jacana 2 2 2
48 South American Snipe Gallinago paraguaiae 1 1
49 Giant Snipe Gallinago undulata 4 1
50 Ruddy Ground-Dove Columbina talpacoti 2 6 20 Y 20 Y 6
51 Blue Ground-Dove Claravis pretiosa 1 1
52 White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi 1 1 2
53 Grey-fronted Dove Leptotila rufaxilla H 1
54 Rock Pigeon Columba livia c 2 2
55 Pale-vented Pigeon Patagioenas cayennensis 1 1 2
56 Plumbeous Pigeon Patagioenas plumbea 2 1 2
57 Picazuro Pigeon Patagioenas picazuro 2 2 Y 4 Y Y 2 100 20 9
58 Blue-winged Macaw Primolius maracana 3 1
59 White-eyed Parakeet Aratinga leucophthalma 3 10 2
60 Maroon-bellied Parakeet Pyrrhura frontalis ARF 6 10 20 30 20 2 Y 2 H 9
61 Blue-winged Parrotlet Forpus xanthopterygius 2 1
62 Brown-backed Parrotlet Touit melanonotus H 1
63 Golden-tailed Parrotlet Touit surdus ARF, BR H 1 2
64 Plain Parakeet Brotogeris tirica ARF, BR 3 1 20 3
65 Red-capped (Pileated) Parrot Pionopsitta pileata ARF H H 2
66 Scaly-headed Parrot Pionus maximiliani 10 6 4 3
67 Greater Ani Crotophaga major 2 4 2
68 Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani c Y 3 Y 4
69 Guira Cuckoo Guira guira 3 1
70 Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana H H 3 2 4
71 Tropical Screech-Owl Megascops choliba H 2 2 3
72 Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia 5 1 2
73 Rusty-barred Owl Strix hylophila 1 H 2
74 Mottled Owl Strix virgata H 1
75 Black-banded Owl Strix huhula 2 1
76 Common Potoo Nyctibius griseus 1 1
77 Short-tailed Nighthawk Lurocalis semitorquatus H 1 1 H 2 1 6
78 Pauraque Hydropsalis albicollis 1 1
79 Sooty Swift Cypseloides fumigatus 20 6 2
80 White-collared Swift Streptoprocne zonaris 1000 100 50 20 100 5
81 Biscutate Swift Streptoprocne biscutata 5 1
82 Grey-rumped Swift Chaetura cinereiventris 10 3 15 10 10 5
83 Sick's Swift Chaetura meridionalis 2 1
84 Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Panyptila cayennensis 3 1
85 Scale-throated Hermit Phaethornis eurynome 1 1 2 3 4 5
86 Dusky-throated Hermit Phaethornis squalidus ARF, BR 1 1
87 Planalto Hermit Phaethornis pretrei ARF 2 1 2
88 Rufous-breasted Hermit Glaucis hirsutus ARF 2 1 2
89 Saw-billed Hermit Ramphodon naevius ARF, BR H 1 1 3
90 Black Jacobin Florisuga fusca ARF C C 3 Y 3 3 2 2 1 9
91 Violet-capped Woodnymph Thalurania glaucopis ARF C C 3 5 2 5 4 3 3 9
92 White-chinned Sapphire Hylocharis cyanus ARF 3 1 2
93 Versicoloured Emerald Amazilia versicolor 1 1
94 Plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi ARF, BR 5 1
95 Sapphire-spangled Emerald Amazilia lactea ARF, BR 2 1
96 Brazilian Ruby Clytolaema rubricauda ARF, BR C 10 5 4 4 3 2 7
97 White-throated Hummingbird Leucochloris albicollis ARF C 6 5 5 2 3 1 7
98 Swallow-tailed Hummingbird Eupetomena macroura ARF 1 2 2 1 4
99 Amethyst Woodstar Calliphlox amethystina 1 1 2
100 Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus H 1 2
101 Surucua Trogon Trogon surrucura ARF 1 3 2 2 H 5
102 Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata 2 1 1 3
103 Rufous-capped Motmot Baryphthengus ruficapillus ARF H 1 2
104 Rufous-tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda 1 1 2 3
105 Three-toed Jacamar Jacamaralcyon tridactyla ARF, BR 5 1
106 White-eared Puffbird Nystalus chacuru 2 1
107 Crescent-chested Puffbird Malacoptila striata ARF, BR H 2 2
108 Saffron Toucanet Pteroglossus bailloni ARF 7 1
109 Spot-billed Toucanet Selenidera maculirostris ARF H 9 1 3
110 Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus H 1 2 1 1 5
111 Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco 2 1
112 White-barred Piculet Picumnus cirratus 1 2 1 5 1 5
113 Yellow-browed Woodpecker Piculus aurulentus ARF 2 H 1 1 4
114 Yellow-throated Woodpecker Piculus flavigula ARF 1 1
115 Yellow-eared Woodpecker Veniliornis maculifrons 3 1 2
116 Blond-crested Woodpecker Celeus flavescens 2 1
117 White Woodpecker Melanerpes candidus ARF 1 1
118 Yellow-fronted Woodpecker Melanerpes flavifrons ARF, BR 3 1
119 Plain-winged Woodcreeper (Thrush-like) Dendrocincla turdina ARF, BR H 1 2
120 Olivaceous Woodcreeper Sittasomus griseicapillus H 4 3 4 H 2 6 1 8
121 White-throated Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes albicollis 2 1 1 3
122 Planalto Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes platyrostris 2 H 2
123 Lesser Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus fuscus ARF H 1 1 2 2 5
124 Scaled Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes squamatus ARF, BR 1 1 2
125 Itatiaia Spinetail Asthenes moreirae ARF, BR 1 1
126 Wing-banded Hornero (Band-tailed) Furnarius figulus 2 1 2
127 Rufous Hornero Furnarius rufus 2 6 2 3
128 Rufous-capped Spinetail Synallaxis ruficapilla BR C H H H 1 H 1 7
129 Grey-bellied Spinetail Synallaxis cinerascens H H 2
130 Yellow-chinned Spinetail Certhiaxis cinnamomeus 2 4 2
131 Pallid Spinetail Cranioleuca pallida ARF, BR 1 2 2 3
132 Rufous-fronted Thornbird Phacellodomus rufifrons 4 1
133 Orange-eyed (Red-eyed) Thornbird Phacellodomus erythrophthalmus ARF, BR 3 1
134 Firewood Gatherer Anumbius annumbi 1 1
135 White-browed Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia amaurotis ARF, BR 1 H 2
136 Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner Syndactyla rufosuperciliata H H 2
137 White-collared Foliage-gleaner Anabazenops fuscus ARF, BR 1 1
138 Pale-browed Treehunter Cichlocolaptes leucophrus ARF, BR 2 1
139 Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner Philydor rufum 1 4 H 2 4 H 1 7
140 Black-capped Foliage-gleaner Philydor atricapillus ARF 2 2 2
141 Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper Lochmias nematura H 1 1 H 4
142 White-eyed Foliage-gleaner Automolus leucophthalmus ARF H 1 2
143 Rufous-breasted Leaftosser Sclerurus scansor ARF 1 H 1 3
144 Plain Xenops Xenops minutus 2 2 2
145 Streaked Xenops Xenops rutilans 1 1 4 1 1 5
146 Spot-backed Antshrike Hypoedaleus guttatus ARF H 1
147 Giant Antshrike Batara cinerea H 1
148 Tufted Antshrike Mackenziaena severa ARF 1 1
149 Large-tailed Antshrike Mackenziaena leachii ARF 1 H 2
150 White-bearded Antshrike Biatas nigropectus ARF H 1
151 Chestnut-backed Antshrike Thamnophilus palliatus 2 2 2
152 Rufous-capped Antshrike Thamnophilus ruficapillus ARF 1 1 2
153 Variable Antshrike Thamnophilus caerulescens 2 2 H 3
154 Sooretama Slaty-Antshrike Thamnophilus ambiguus ARF, BR 4 1
155 Spot-breasted Antvireo Dysithamnus stictothorax 2 2 1 3
156 Plain Antvireo Dysithamnus mentalis 1 1 6 6 6 5
157 Rufous-backed Antvireo Dysithamnus xanthopterus ARF, BR 1 1
158 Star-throated Antwren Myrmotherula gularis ARF, BR H 1 H 3
159 White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris ARF, BR 2 2 2
160 Unicoloured Antwren Myrmotherula unicolor ARF, BR 4 6 2
161 Streak-capped Antwren Terenura maculata ARF, BR 1 2 1 3
162 Serra Antwren Formicivora serrana ARF, BR 1 1
163 Ferruginous Antbird Drymophila ferruginea ARF, BR 1 1
164 Bertoni's Antbird Drymophila rubricollis ARF h 1 2
165 Rufous-tailed Antbird Drymophila genei ARF, BR 3 1
166 Ochre-rumped Antbird Drymophila ochropyga ARF, BR 2 H H 3
167 Dusky-tailed Antbird Drymophila malura ARF 1 H H 3
168 Scaled Antbird Drymophila squamata ARF, BR 4 1
169 White-shouldered Fire-eye Pyriglena leucoptera ARF H 2 2
170 Rufous-capped Antthrush Formicarius colma 1 1
171 Short-tailed Antthrush Chamaeza campanisona H 1
172 Such's Antthrush Chamaeza meruloides ARF, BR 2 1
173 Rufous-tailed (Brazilian) Antthrush Chamaeza ruficauda ARF, BR H H H 3
174 Variegated Antpitta Grallaria varia H H H H 4
175 Rufous Gnateater Conopophaga lineata ARF  H 1 H 3
176 Black-cheeked Gnateater Conopophaga melanops ARF, BR 3 2 2
177 Spotted Bamboowren Psilorhamphus guttatus ARF H 1
178 Mouse-coloured Tapaculo Scytalopus speluncae ARF, BR 1 1
179 White-breasted Tapaculo Eleoscytalopus indigoticus ARF, BR H 1
180 Slaty Bristlefront Merulaxis ater ARF, BR 1 1
181 Southern Antpipit Corythopis delalandi 2 1
182 Planalto Tyrannulet Phyllomyias fasciatus H 3 6 3
183 Grey-capped Tyrannulet Phyllomyias griseocapilla ARF, BR 1 2 H 3
184 Yellow-bellied Elaenia Elaenia flavogaster 1 1 2
185 Olivaceous Elaenia Elaenia mesoleuca 2 1
186 Yellow Tyrannulet Capsiempis flaveola H 4 2
187 Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet Camptostoma obsoletum 2 1
188 Oustalet's Tyrannulet Phylloscartes oustaleti ARF, BR H 1 2
189 Serra do Mar Tyrannulet Phylloscartes difficilis ARF, BR 3 1
190 Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet Phylloscartes ventralis H 2 2 1 1 5
191 Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Mionectes oleagineus 1 1
192 Grey-hooded Flycatcher Mionectes rufiventris ARF 4 1
193 Sepia-capped Flycatcher Leptopogon amaurocephalus 1 1 1 H 2 5
194 Bran-coloured Flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus 1 1
195 Drab-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant (Bamboo-Tyrant) Hemitriccus diops ARF 1 1
196 Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant Hemitriccus orbitatus ARF, BR 1 1
197 Eared Pygmy-Tyrant Myiornis auricularis ARF 1 1 2
198 Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps H H 1 1 4
199 Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher (Gray-Hooded) Todirostrum poliocephalum ARF, BR 4 1 2
200 Common Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum cinereum 1 1
201 Cliff Flycatcher Hirundinea ferruginea 2 2 2 3
202 Euler's Flycatcher Lathrotriccus euleri 1 1 1 H 4
203 Yellow-olive Flycatcher Tolmomyias sulphurescens 2 H H 3
204 White-throated Spadebill Platyrinchus mystaceus 1 1 2
205 Blue-billed Black-Tyrant Knipolegus cyanirostris 6 1 2
206 Velvety Black-Tyrant Knipolegus nigerrimus ARF, BR 3 1
207 White-rumped Monjita Xolmis velatus 2 1
208 Streamer-tailed Tyrant Gubernetes yetapa 3 1
209 Shear-tailed Grey Tyrant Muscipipra vetula ARF 1 1 2
210 Masked Water-Tyrant Fluvicola nengeta 1 1 3 4 2 5
211 White-headed Marsh Tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala 2 1 2
212 Long-tailed Tyrant Colonia colonus 4 2 1 3
213 Cattle Tyrant Machetornis rixosa 1 3 1 3
214 Piratic Flycatcher Legatus leucophaius 1 1
215 Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis 1 2 Y 6 2 5
216 Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus C 2 4 6 1 5 6 Y 8 Y 10
217 Boat-billed Flycatcher Megarynchus pitangua 1 2 4 1 H 2 2 2 2 9
218 Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus 2 2 2 2 2 5
219 Variegated Flycatcher Empidonomus varius 1 2 2 3
220 Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus 2 2 2 4 Y Y 6 7
221 Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana 1 1
222 Greyish Mourner Rhytipterna simplex 1 1
223 Swainson's Flycatcher Myiarchus swainsoni 1 1 1 3
224 Short-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus ferox H 1
225 Grey-hooded Attila Attila rufus ARF, BR 3 1 2
226 Black-and-gold Cotinga Tijuca atra ARF, BR 3 1 1 3
227 Grey-winged Cotinga Tijuca condita ARF, BR 1 1
228 Bare-throated Bellbird Procnias nudicollis ARF 2 H 2 1 4
229 Pin-tailed Manakin Ilicura militaris ARF, BR 2 3 1 1 4
230 White-bearded Manakin Manacus manacus 5 4 1 3
231 Blue (Swallow-tailed) Manakin Chiroxiphia caudata ARF 5 4 H 10 5 4 6
232 Serro do Mar Tyrant-Manakin Neopelma chrysolophum ARF, BR 1 H 2
233 Sharpbill Oxyruncus cristatus H 1 2
234 Greenish Schiffornis Schiffornis virescens ARF 1 H 2
235 Black-tailed Tityra Tityra cayana 2 1 2
236 Shrike-like Cotinga (Elegant Mourner) (Brazilian Laniisoma) Laniisoma elegans ARF, BR 1 1
237 Green-backed Becard Pachyramphus viridis 1 1
238 Chestnut-crowned Becard Pachyramphus castaneus 1 1
239 White-winged Becard Pachyramphus polychopterus 1 2 1 3 4
240 Crested Becard Pachyramphus validus 2 1
241 Whiskered Flycatcher Myiobius barbatus 4 1
242 Swallow-tailed Cotinga Phibalura flavirostris 10 2 2
243 Rufous-browed Peppershrike Cyclarhis gujanensis 2 2 4 2 2 H 6
244 Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus 1 1 2
245 Rufous-crowned Greenlet Hylophilus poicilotis ARF 2 H 4 4 4
246 Lemon-chested Greenlet Hylophilus thoracicus 1 1
247 Gray-eyed Greenlet Hylophilus amaurocephalus 1 1
248 Blue-and-white Swallow Pygochelidon cyanoleuca C 5 10 30 5 Y Y 7
249 Gray-breasted Martin Progne chalybea 10 10 2
250 Brown-chested Martin Progne tapera 2 1
251 White-thighed Swallow Atticora tibialis 1 1 2
252 Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis 10 C Y 10 20 5
253 Black-capped Donacobius Donacobius atricapilla 4 H 2
254 Moustached Wren Pheugopedius genibarbis 2 1
255 Long-billed Wren Cantorchilus longirostris BR 1 1
256 Southern House Wren Troglodytes musculus 1 1 2 1 1 5
257 Chalk-browed Mockingbird Mimus saturninus 5 3 2
258 Yellow-legged Thrush Turdus flavipes 1 1
259 Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiventris 4 6 6 6 3 Y 2 3 8
260 Pale-breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 7
261 Creamy-bellied Thrush Turdus amaurochalinus 1 1 2
262 Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild 1 1
263 Yellowish Pipit Anthus lutescens 1 1
264 Violaceous Euphonia Euphonia violacea 1 1
265 Golden-rumped Euphonia Euphonia cyanocephala 1 1
266 Orange-bellied Euphonia Euphonia xanthogaster 2 1
267 Chestnut-bellied Euphonia Euphonia pectoralis ARF H 1 1 3
268 Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea H H 2
269 Hooded Siskin Sporagra magellanica 2 1
270 Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus 2 2 6 2 6 5
271 White-browed Warbler (White-rimmed) Basileuterus leucoblepharus ARF 2 1
272 Red-rumped Cacique Cacicus haemorrhous 3 1
273 Chopi Blackbird Gnorimopsar chopi 8 1
274 Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis 10 Y 2
275 White-browed Blackbird Sturnella superciliaris 2 1
276 Chestnut-capped Blackbird Chrysomus ruficapillus 8 2 1 1 4
277 Bananaquit Coereba flaveola C 2 3 3 2 2 2 Y 2 9
278 Grassland Yellow-Finch Sicalis luteola 2 1
279 Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis C C C C C Y 2 7
280 Grassland Sparrow Ammodramus humeralis 2 1
281 Half-collared Sparrow Arremon semitorquatus ARF, BR h 1 2
282 Cinnamon Tanager Schistochlamys ruficapillus 2 1
283 Black-goggled Tanager Lanio melanops 2 5 6 5 4
284 Chestnut-headed Tanager Pyrrhocoma ruficeps ARF 2 1
285 Hooded Tanager Nemosia pileata 1 1
286 Rufous-headed Tanager Hemithraupis ruficapilla ARF, BR 2 2 2 3
287 Yellow-backed Tanager Hemithraupis flavicollis 2 1
288 Olive-green Tanager Orthogonys chloricterus ARF, BR 6 1
289 Brazilian Tanager Ramphocelus bresilius ARF 3 1 2
290 Sayaca Tanager Tangara sayaca 4 2 2 6 6 4 8 Y 1 2 10
291 Azure-shouldered Tanager Tangara cyanoptera ARF C 1 2 6 2 5
292 Golden-chevroned Tanager Tangara ornata ARF, BR 2 4 10 1 2 2 6
293 Palm Tanager Tangara palmarum 1 3 2
294 Flame-crested Tanager Lanio cristatus 2 2 5 3
295 Ruby-crowned Tanager Tachyphonus coronatus Y 4 6 6 6 2 2 7
296 Burnished-buff Tanager Tangara cayana Y 2 2 2 2 1 6
297 Brassy-breasted Tanager Tangara desmaresti ARF, BR Y 10 15 20 5 8 6 7
298 Gilt-edged Tanager Tangara cyanoventris ARF, BR 2 2 10 3
299 Green-headed Tanager Tangara seledon ARF 1 1
300 Red-necked Tanager Tangara cyanocephala ARF 2 1
301 Swallow Tanager Tersina viridis 25 Y 8 20 4
302 Fawn-breasted Tanager Pipraeidea melanonota 1 1
303 Red-cowled Cardinal Paroaria dominicana 2 1
304 Diademed Tanager Stephanophorus diadematus 10 1
305 Black-legged Dacnis Dacnis nigripes ARF 1 1
306 Blue Dacnis Dacnis cayana 1 1 1 3
307 Chestnut-vented Conebill Conirostrum speciosum 1 1 2
308 Saffron Finch Sicalis flaveola 3 C Y Y 4
309 Double-collared Seedeater Sporophila caerulescens 1 1 3 10 2 2 6
310 White-bellied Seedeater Sporophila leucoptera 2 1
311 Lined Seedeater Sporophila lineola 1 1
312 Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina C 1 2
313 Uniform Finch Haplospiza unicolor ARF 1 1
314 Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch Emberizoides herbicola 1 1
315 Bay-chested Warbling-Finch Poospiza thoracica ARF, BR 15 1
316 Hepatic Tanager Piranga hepatica 1 1
317 Red-crowned Ant-Tanager Habia rubica 4 5 2
318 Black-throated Grosbeak Saltator fuliginosus ARF H 1
319 Green-winged Saltator Saltator similis 2 3 2
320 Thick-billed Saltator Saltator maxillosus ARF 1 1
321 House Sparrow Passer domesticus C Y Y 2 Y 5
1 Maned Sloth Bradypus torquatus 1
2 Brown Howler Alouatta guariba H
3 Brown-throated sloth Bradypus variegatus
4 Squirrel
5 Common Marmasett Callithrix jacchus Y
6 Bahia Porcupine Sphiggurus insidiosus 3