Macae de Cima Trail

Another trail not too far from the lodge.  It was mainly birding along a road that wound it's way along the side of a mountain.  We had to be careful as the road was used by local traffic but this was not much of a problem.   We started off well in seeing Saffron Toucanets fairly early on.  There were certainly plenty of birds to see.

View from the trail

Typical Birding on the Macae de Cima Trail

Crested Oropendula  nests.  Unfortunately the birds were long gone!

Saffron Toucanet - We were fortunate to connect with these early in the day.  A small flock close to the road.  A small flock kept us busy for some time.  Considered a rare species and only found in the Atlantic Rainforest areas on SE Brazil and adjacent countries.  See short video below.

Bare-throated Bellbird - A rare species restricted to the S parts of Brazil and adjacent countries.

Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper - Tricky to see in thick undergrowth.  Fortunately given away by it's call.  
Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper

White-barred Piculet  

Picazarro Pigeon  -  Widespread across the S half of Brazil and adjoining countries.

Long-tailed Tyrant  -  A widespread species.

Chestnut-headed Tanager - Only seen at this site.
Restricted to the S part of Brazil and adjacent countries.

Yellow Tyrannulent - Found in various parts of Brazil

Spot-billed Toucanet -  Only found in the Atlantic Rainforests of SE Brazil and adjacent countries.
See also short video below.

Surucua Trogon  - Found in the S part of Brazil and adjacent countries.
Seen on several days during our trip.

Black-googled Tanager - Seen on several days during the trip. 

Maned Sloth - Found at the side of the track.
It had climbed up on one side, crossed the track but was unable to climb the steep slope on the upward side of the track.

Dave picked up the Sloth, being careful to keep it's long claws facing away from him.
The Sloth was placed on a tree a short distance down the track.

  The Sloth soon climbed up into the undergrowth. See also short video below.
Good deed for the day done!
This was one of the highlights of the trip 😊

Tarantula  - Avoiding the attentions of a Tarantula Wasp!